There's really no arguing… bulk buying saves money. My family belongs to a national "warehouse club" network and there's a local outlet right down the road from us. About once or twice a month, we head to the store and grab the big cart.
We'll grab everything from bulk canned goods to office supplies to cleaning chemicals and garbage bags. If we've got the freezer space, we'll even stock up on chicken patties and hot dogs for when the kiddos visit. Oh… and ice cream, too.
Fact is, I really don't enjoy shopping. And if I can get a lot of it done in one or two trips a month, I'm a happy guy. Here's the icing on the cake… I save a lot of money to boot.
In fact, if I could buy several months' worth of supplies, I'd be even happier. Just one thing holds me back though.
Lack of storage.
When we had a travel camper, we kept some of it out there. Kind of a mobile storage stockroom. But we sold the camper and I clearly can’t stack it all in the living room. Something about having company over.
Now I may save a lot of money buying in bulk.
But let's turn our attention to you … the retailer.
How Bulk Buying Does More than Save Store Owners Money
Now there are lots of ways that a retail business can benefit from portable storage, but today we're going to focus on one. Buying in bulk does save cash, for sure. In fact, the price per unit is normally quite a bit below normal wholesale. The manufacturer can offer a lower price, for the most part, due to one major factor—decreased packaging, handling, and/or shipping costs.
Take canned soup, for example.
It takes the same amount of time and effort to cook up a batch of chicken soup for one 10-ounce can as it does for a gallon container. In reality, they all come from the same pot.
But packaging is where the company saves. The labor and materials used to make and fill a bulk can is often less than for a bunch of small ones. Add in packaging, palletizing, and shipping, and even more money is saved.
The same goes for many types of products. The larger the quantity sold, the less money spent … and the higher the profit margin, even with a wholesale discount.
Buying product in bulk saves you, the retailer, cash as well. And the profit margin increases, even if sold at the regular price per unit.
Buying in larger, more efficient quantities can definitely save you money. It's not just on regular items either. Bulk buying makes sense for:
- Seasonal items for winter, spring, summer, or fall,
- Holiday-related products,
- Back-to-school or graduation supplies,
- Inventory closeouts, and
- Store closures or relocations.
In all of these situations, you might have the option to buy large quantities of product at a drastically reduced price.
But, there's one limitation… the same one I encounter at home.
You must have the storage space to take advantage of it, even if it's just an occasional deal.
What you need is storage flexibility.
And a travel camper in the parking lot won't cut it.
B2B Mobile Storage Solves the Bulk Buying Storage Dilemma
If you want to take advantage of bulk buying savings—but don't have the storage space—you can rent commercial mobile storage units. Of course, some rental companies will offer pull-behind storage trailers or box trucks. But many of those options aren't suitable for keeping inventory safe. They're best used by consumers, honestly.
Most have wheels… and you know what that means, right?
They can be hooked up to and hauled off quickly, with little or no chance of recovery.
The container's construction is usually fairly sturdy, but may not be adequately vandal- or thief-resistant. What you need it something more robust. Something that will resist the elements as well as criminals.
Those are some of the reasons that mobile storage units from SiteBox Storage are so popular. With heavy-duty steel construction and tamper resistant locking mechanisms, they keep products safe and secure in virtually any situation.
Neither rain, nor snow, nor dark of night… you get the picture.
Keep Your Showroom Customer-Friendly and Your Warehouse Fully Stocked
There’s a good point about not using the living room for a warehouse. It's for entertaining guests. And a case of mac and cheese doesn't make a good ottoman.
Your showroom or storefront is your "living room" for entertaining your "guests" – your customers. Yes, you want to give them great deals by buying things in bulk when possible.
But you don't want your aisles cluttered with excess inventory.
It's unsightly and potentially unsafe.
Your backroom warehouse may already be filled to the rafters. That's why commercial mobile storage makes sense for those special times when you have the opportunity to save money and increase profits by bulk buying.
Product can be retrieved from mobile storage containers to replenish shelves as needed. There's no need to rearrange your in-house warehouse configuration to accommodate the bulk purchase. And when the bulk inventory is gone, you just return the mobile storage unit.
Whether stored onsite or at a distribution warehouse supplying satellite locations, you can take advantage of every bulk purchase you desire.
It gives you the buying flexibility you've never had before – safely, conveniently, and securely.
Contact our sales team today, to find out how we can help your retail site!