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SiteBox Storage Transportation TeamIt is springtime, and in the SiteBox Storage world, that means we are gearing up for not only new construction projects but also providing portable storage and modular solutions for the Wichita River Festival, Country Stampede, and the Damm Music Festival. These fun events are a rush of activity, and there is a lot behind the scenes activity that goes into getting the offices festival ready. Here in the SiteBox office, we decided we wanted to learn how to clean the offices so that they are a comfortable, safe, and clean environment for ticket sales, security, and meetings.

Getting Started

We threw on our PPE and headed out to the yard, where the service team had lined out several offices that were ready for us to clean. The offices were caked in mud due to the last week of torrential rain. We started from the top down. Cleaning the windows, inside and out, and scrubbing any mud or dirt off the walls and workbench.

Next, we took down any left-over notes that were on the cork board and white board. One of the final steps for the inside of the unit is the floors. We opened the cargo doors of the unit and swept out any dirt that wasn’t stuck to the ground. We got down on our hands and knees to chip away at the left-over dirt, went over the floor with a mop several times, and finally hand dried it! We went to the exterior of the office and cleaned up any tape residue that was left over from the previous customer.

Next, We Brought in the Pros

We left the important jobs to the professionals. The service techs went through and checked the telephone lines, breaker box, outlets, and the external power sources. We know that you have better things to worry about than whether the air conditioning is going to work in the sweltering heat. The last step in the cleaning process is to power wash the outside of the office, including the forklift pockets. Rocks and dirt like to hide in the forklift pockets; we clean them out so when we are delivering the unit, rocks are not flying out of the side of it and hitting the vehicles around us.

Why is It Important? 

SiteBox Storage Mobile officeThis was a huge help to see what the day-to-day life of a SiteBox Service Tech is like, and it helped our fellow teammates to get ready for the busy couple weeks ahead! In a matter of an hour, the inside sales team, dispatch, and the service techs came together and cleaned three offices.

Showing our Pride

Esprit de corps is defined as a feeling of pride, fellowship, and a common loyalty shared by the members of a group. This is one of the core values that LANGE employees strive to live up to. (LANGE is the parent company of both SiteBox Storage and RedGuard.)

By learning and experiencing the responsibilities of every step of the process, it helps us better understand time expectations, while motivating and building camaraderie throughout the team.